Getaway -- Beaver Creek, OH

Well, it's been a year. I'm sure everyone is feeling that in one way or another and while in some ways we've been very fortunate this year in others we've had some struggles. A few months ago after seeing endless ads on social media for Getaway I decided to see if there was an outpost near us. It turned out that the Cleveland-Pittsburgh location was a little over an hour from us so I booked a Saturday-Sunday weekend trip for a weekend in November. When I booked this in August I had no idea that we would really luck out with the weather but the 70-degree temperatures were much appreciated. I should stress here that we are not camping people...we're not really even outdoorsy people. We took a trip once that involved roughing it with an outdoor shower and a compost toilet and it really was not for me. Getaway really blends the outdoors with modern amenities which was much appreciated by the two of us. About a week before our trip I received an email from Getaway with ...