Diletto Winery -- Canfield, OH

Our close friends recently moved back to the Canfield area, which is somewhere that neither Dave or I has spent much time. We're excited to check out more locations in Canfield as time goes on, we found Diletto Winery by doing a quick Google search of "wineries in Canfield." Dilettto Winery was the first place to come up, so we decided to give them a go.

Diletto Winery is located in a "dry" township and is only permitted to sell what they produce, so all of the alcohol is made on site. They produce wine, sangria, hard cider, and fruit brandy.

When we arrived there was a Sip and Paint going on, but there was plenty of room at the bar as well as in some of their side rooms. Our group of five fit nicely in the Peacock Lounge.

Diletto offered several fruit wines, so for the most part our group stuck with those -- pictured below is the Shirazberry and Elderberry.

Dave and I also split an order of the baked brie -- there are almost 30 toppings that can be added to an 8 ounce wheel of brie which is then baked until it's oozy and delicious. Being the weirdos that we are, we decided to try a little sweet and spicy pairing and went with strawberry jam and jalapenos. 

Two new features that Diletto Winery is offering are Murder Mystery Dinners as well as Escape Rooms. Escape Rooms are a hot new trend, we recently heard about a place in Canton before heading out to Diletto Winery. Your group is locked in a room for a certain amount of time and must find all of the clues and decipher them in order to successfully escape before time runs out. The escape rooms are constantly being monitored by a staff member, so there is a lifeline to the outside, but the fun is in trying to beat the clock by solving the riddle.

Diletto was quite a hike for us from Uniontown, but it was fun to meet up with friends and to explore some of the area goings-on closer to where they're located. We received decent service and it was nice to be in a little private side room.

My rating for Diletto Winery:


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